Reflections on our trip to Mexico: June 2012
We arrive in the late afternoon, after the flight from San Diego to Guadalajara.
Cotija is a small town in the Central
Pacific Mexican
State of Michoacán. It is
famous for its’ cheese, chocolate and immigrant workers who travel to the
United States, Canada, and other parts of the world in order to work, and to
provide for their families. In fact, my Brother-in-Law was in Germany a few
years ago for the World Cup, and ran into a friend from this small town who was
working there. It truly is a small world.
We took a short walk to the Mercado for dinner. Since the
airlines don’t serve food on flights under 4 hours, we had not eaten since we
had breakfast in the early morning. Dinner consisted of hamburgers and tacos.
The hamburgers were very thin, with all the trimmings, including
jalapeños! In-N-Out has nothing on these
burgers! After dinner, we had ice cream from a street vendor, then back to the
house and to bed!
I am having some dental work done while I am here, a bridge
for my molars, if you really want to know. The prices are a 1/3 of what they
are in the states, and many times the quality of work is better. We are blessed
to have such a dentist here in Cotija.
As I sit here at our kitchen table, sipping coffee and
writing these thoughts, I am confused as to what I read in the papers, on
social media, such as Facebook, and hear in conversations from average
Americans about their opinions of Mexicans (more likely undocumented immigrants,
or all immigrants, documented or no.) In the 25 years that I have been
travelling in Mexico, I have never been mistreated, never been taken advantage
of, or robbed (unless you count the times we have driven through the Capital
and been pulled over by traffic cops and had to pay the “mordida” or bribe for
a “traffic violation” which was only because we had the wrong set of plates on
our car. If you drive in D.F. and you don’t have D.F. plates, be assured you
will be pulled over.) Although I did get pulled over once in Guadalajara because I made a left turn
without the light. I didn’t read the sign that said left turn with arrow only,
but it was a light that looked like some we have in California where you can make a turn after
the green arrow goes out but the green light is still on. Cost of my
infraction? About 5 bucks, paid right on the spot, yeah it sounds like a
“mordida”, but I really did violate the traffic law….live and learn.
Ok, so back to my confusion. It seems that the comments I
hear most are that Mexicans are just here illegally and are looking for a
handout. They are all lawbreakers! They came into the country illegally! They
say they broke the law just by entering illegally. First case in point, from
what I understand, the crime of entering the country illegally the first time
is a misdemeanor, like that of J-Walking a street, or running a stop sign
hardly something to send someone to prison for. The charge for doing it a
second time is a Felony, since ignorance of the law cannot be claimed. Those
who were brought into the country at a young age by their parents, have not
committed ANY crime, since they cannot be held responsible for their parents’
It is for these whom I am most confused. Raised in the U.S.,
in our schools, our churches, our communities, they know no other country,
would be absolutely lost in their country of origin, and when they do get
deported, they usually wind up working for drug cartels because of their
language skills (usually it is because they have no means of support in Mexico).
It would behoove the Untied States to incorporate these
young people into our society, giving them the chance to prove themselves and
show they can be productive to our country. It would also go a long way to show
that we see them as PERSONS, with dignity that is God Given. Every person
SHOULD be treated as a child of God, because that’s who we are, children of
God, made in His image to love and serve Him and one another.
We are planning a trip to Sahuayo, Michoacán tomorrow to
shop for some shoes for Natalie. Sahuayo is where Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio is from. For those who do not recognize that name, he
is the 13 year old martyr in the Cristero Wars of Mexico in the 1920’s when the
Government of Plutarco Calles tried to destroy the Catholic Church in Mexico. His
story and the story of the Cristero Movement can be seen in the movie For Greater Glory, starring Andy
Garcia and Eva Longoria. I plan to take my camera to try and capture some of
the places where these events took place, the Presidential palace and the
Cathedral for sure.
I went to St. James the Apostle Church
in Sahuayo, Michoacán. Inside there are
pictures and statues of St. Jose Sanchez del Rio,
yet, like all other Catholic Churches, no matter their name, point to Jesus
Christ and his mission in salvation history. This is what we are here for, to
glorify God by our work, and to point others to Jesus Christ, the Alpha and
Omega of our faith.
Sahuayo is a large city compared to Cotija. It has a number
of commercial centers, super markets, car dealerships, movie theater complex,
even a Sam’s Club (ok, it’s not Sam’s, but it is their Mexican affiliate
company). It also has what most bigger cities have too; traffic, sometimes lots
of it. Sahuayo also has a lot of entrepreneurs, many some would call them street
vendors, but they are working for themselves, knowing that the livelihood of
their families depend on them. Sometimes there are success stories, big success
stories like Carlos Slim, owner of TelCel, is one of the riches men in the
world….started off like every other entrepreneur, from the bottom and worked
his way up. Or Eduardo Verastagui, Mexican Novela Star who came to the U.S. to
work in the Industry, didn’t like what he saw in where and how the Industry was
portraying Latino males, and decided to start his own production company; he
started as a shoe shine boy in Monterrey, Mexico.
The nice thing about spending a vacation in your own house
is that there is no itinerary to follow. If you don’t want to get up early in
order to catch the bus to have the tour of city/monuments/places where wars
were fought/etc….you don’t have to. Besides, you have access to a car and you
can drive there yourself when you want to.
We have been here a week now, and have only gone to Sahuayo to do a
little shopping. We might take a trip to one of the local lakes in the
mountains, but if we don’t, no big deal….we’re are vacation!!
June 24th: Solemnity of Saint John the Baptist.
Here in Cotija, this is a big feast day, with a week full of celebrations
culminating with a big fiesta in San Juan del Barrio, just outside of Cotija.
It was raining slightly when we left to go, and we decided to drive the
Suburban, since Martha isn’t feeling good because of her dental surgery a few
days ago. I am glad we decided to take the truck and not the scooter, because
by the time we arrived, it was POURING rain! There was no parking anyway for
cars, since many arrived earlier in the day, we ended up turning around and
going back home. So now, it’s an afternoon of watching movies because we don’t
get a T.V. signal and it’s too expensive to get cable service for two weeks
only, not to mention that we don’t get internet either, but a neighbor has
wifi, and I go down there a couple times a week to check email and such with my
own laptop.
Went to the Plaza this evening to watch the people and talk
with friends. The Plaza was full of people when a kind of silence fell over the
crowd, then all of the sudden everyone starting shouting and running in all
different directions. A storm cloud had burst and drenched the Plaza and
everyone in it. We were sitting under a large shade tree, so we didn’t
initially get wet, but we did have to run across the street to the ice cream
shop before the rain started to filter down through the tree.
When we arrived home, the thunder
and lightening really started their work. It got very intense, and as I fell
asleep I could hear Julie Andrews in my head singing My Favorite Things…
What trip to Cotija is complete
without a side trip to Tocumbo, Michoacán? Tocumbo is the Ice Cream Capital of
the World. If you don’t believe it, just look for their monument of a giant
Globe with an Ice Cream on it when you drive into town! Seriously, Tocumbo has
some of the best ice cream in Mexico,
if not the World. The paletas (ice
cream on a stick, that is made with either water or cream), and is made with
way more than 31 flavors! All of the ingredients are natural and fresh,
sometimes you cannot get certain flavors because they are not in season. The
prices are right too, they run a little under a dollar a piece, and worth every
Ok, a few pages ago I was talking
about how Cotija has many people hear who are bilingual. Here is a town that is
a good 1500 miles from the U.S. Border, yet has some of their street signs in
both English and Spanish. Now I am not saying that this should be the case in
the U.S., this is just an
isolated case where the city government sees the reality of their lives with
the many people from the U.S.
who come to visit.
But since I brought it up, I do
recall driving through Mexico City and listening
to the NBC radio network that broadcasts from Mexico City
for the English speaking workers that call Mexico City home, and there are many of them
that do. Being bilingual is not a handicap, it is an advantage.
As I prepare to take our daughter
to the airport tomorrow, (she has an anime expo to attend to this weekend and
needed to get home before we leave on Sunday), I started to reflect on just how
blessed I have been in my life. People might think we are rich, our bank
account says otherwise. We have, however, been able to travel to many parts of
the world and our two youngest have been on their own adventures with, and
without us. I have been to places that I never thought I would have been able
to go. I grew up in a middle class/ low to middle income family in the suburbs
of Los Angeles,
we weren’t poor, but when the other kids were wearing Levi 501’s, I was wearing
JCPenney blue jeans. Not that there is anything wrong with JCPenney blue jeans,
but it wasn’t the fad of the day. Which brings me to the point of this day’s
reflection; whatever I have, whatever I have acquired, whatever I am able to do
in this life, is nothing compared to the deeper understanding and wisdom that I
have gained in the last few years. God has brought me through many trials and
pains, given me unspeakable joy and shown me what my life’s calling is (at
least it is what I have discerned that God has called me to this, and it is
continually being confirmed). Being open to what God wants to show me, wants me
to discover, wants me to share with others, is the greatest experience of my
life. I am so proud to have been able to know so many people who have
influenced my life, starting with my Mom and Dad, whom without I obviously
wouldn’t be blogging!
So I took Natalie to the airport
in Guadalajara
this morning, a 2 ½ hour drive each way even using the toll roads. Actually
today, the way the traffic was running, had I not taken the toll roads it would
have been at least 3 hours each way. The
toll roads here in Mexico
are really nice, you can cruise easily at 75, though most cars do 85, even
though he limit is 70 for the most part. The roads themselves are very well
maintained, rivaling many of the interstates we have in the U.S. although
not as many lanes, most toll roads are 4 lanes,
2 each direction, but the
directions are clear and they save a ton of time when traveling long distances.
I took advantage of my trip to the airport and made a reservation at the hotel
for Saturday, since our flight leaves at 7:15 a.m., I did not want to be
driving on the roads (toll or not) at 2 in the morning, that’s just not safe
anywhere you might be. We will also take advantage of our short time in Guadalajara by having
dinner at a famous restaurant there called the Santo Coyote, or The Coyote
Saint. Martha ate there when was in Mexico earlier this year and says
that I must try it. I even recommended it to a friend of mine, Scott French,
who mentioned he was coming down to cover a Chivas Soccer match. I usually
don’t recommend some place unless I have been there, but in the 25+ years of
marriage with my wife, I have learned that her recommendations are much better
then mine. So today, in essence, was
spent on the road, driving in a foreign land that is not so foreign to me in
fact, the more time I spend with people who are not from the U.S.A., the more I
realize that I shouldn’t be making comparisons with them to the U.S. the system
by which we make comparisons should be overhauled, we should be looking into
the hearts of people, not their economic status. We should be looking into
their minds, not their living spaces. The more I see of this world, the more I
realize that it would be a better place for all if we truly did live by the
Golden Rule: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.