Pentecost Sunday: May 17, 2013
en tak kawi. Bon bon kawi wah. Who here understood what I had just said? It is
a legitimate language, from the South Pacific Islands which one I don’t
remember, but it was a phrase we learned in my linguistics class I had in
college. If I remember correctly, it is a greeting. The reason I bring this up is to highlight
what today is.
disciples were together in one place, when a “mighty rushing wind” came in and
then appeared as tongues of fire and rested on each of them, being filled with
the Holy Spirit, they began to speak in different tongues, languages, as the Spirit
enabled them to do. The crowds were amazed at how these simple people, many of
them fishermen, others laborers, still others could have been the wives of
those there in the room, could talk in different native languages from the
various parts of the Roman Empire.
feast of Pentecost was one of the three major pilgrim festivals of Israel.
Originally it was an agricultural feast marking the end of the grain harvest,
also called feast of Weeks, because it was celebrated seven weeks, or 50 days
after the feast of Unleavened Bread. As the other two pilgrim feasts, it took
on historical importance, commemorating the giving of the law on Sinai. The
fact it was a pilgrim feast explains why devout Jews from every nation where in
Jerusalem at the time.
is an outpouring of the Spirit of God, an outpouring to show that the Gospel is
for all to hear, for all to understand. Look back at the 11th
Chapter of Genesis to the Tower of Babel, where men were trying to build a
tower to heaven. Language was confused
at that point, so that man could not complete this project. The world was
fractured at Babel, and at Pentecost the outpouring of the Spirit and the
understanding of all can be seen as the reuniting of the human race and the
gathering of all into the reign of God.
So Pentecost is a feast of the Holy
Spirit, and his movements, his guidance in our lives. We see in Paul’s letter
to the Romans, exactly how the Spirit of
God works in our lives. If we are in the flesh, meaning all of our human nature and its limitations that sometimes moves us away from God, we cannot please God. On the other hand, if we live in the Spirit, we are attuned to God. It is in that dimension of the human experience that can be joined to the very Spirit of God.
God works in our lives. If we are in the flesh, meaning all of our human nature and its limitations that sometimes moves us away from God, we cannot please God. On the other hand, if we live in the Spirit, we are attuned to God. It is in that dimension of the human experience that can be joined to the very Spirit of God.
Jesus says that if we love him, we
will keep his commandments, and he will ask the Father to send another Advocate
to be with us always. We follow his example of obedience to the Father.
Obedience isn’t the requirement of love; it is the consequence of it. Such love
is not an emotional response, but a state of being, it is how one lives, it
permeates one’s life, allowing them to live in intimate relation with the
Father and the Son, through the Spirit.
So at last, the plan of Salvation has
been brought to a conclusion. The risen Lord has been exalted to his rightful
place at the right hand of the Father, and he has sent his Spirit to fill the
earth with God’s power. Our world is charged with divine energy, but it needs a
spark in order to ignite it with life and excitement. In Acts, this excitement
explodes onto the scene in an extraordinary way, tongues are loosed and speech
overflows its restraints in understanding; charismatic gifts flood the valley
of humanity; barred doors are burst open and frightened hearts are calmed. The
Spirit of the Lord fills the whole world. Today, we gather for one reason, but
we discover that God has another in mind We may come for personal devotion, but
we find us wrapped up in communal divine worship. Through the Spirit of God, we
are reconciled to one another and we spend ourselves for the common good.
Through the Spirit of god the world is renewed, the community is revitalized,
and we come to know the mysterious yet all-pervasive peace of Christ.
If all this has really happened, why
does our world look the same? Why is there so much religious and ethnic
rivalry? Why do we continue to make distinctions between Jew and Gentile, free
and slave, man and woman, documented and undocumented, immigrant and citizen,
distinctions that favor one at the expense of the other? Why is there so little
peace? Why do we refuse to forgive or to be reconciled? Is Pentecost merely a
feast we celebrate in red vestments? Has the face of the earth really been
The answer is YES! A resounding YES!
The Spirit has been poured forth and works wonders wherever human hearts are
open to his promptings. The earth is renewed each time rivalries are resolved,
distinctions are recognized as merely expressions of diversity, peace is
restored, comfort and solace are offered, and forgiveness is granted. We are
immersed in the vigor of the Spirit of God; all we have to do is to open
ourselves up to him and the reign of God will be born in our midst.
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